I finished my studies at the Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church, Faculty of Humanities as a teacher of Hungarian Literature and Grammar and Hungarian as a Foreign Language. I have been teaching Hungarian at our school from September 2012.
My aim is to make students able to use Hungarian language both in the school and in their lives and to acquaint the students with the cultural habits and values of Hungary.
In my freetime I like to sing, cook and practice yoga. If I have the possibility I like to do these within the confines of the school, like the Pre-Graduates’ Ball, preparing for Christmas or yoga class.
I finished my studies at the Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church, Faculty of Humanities as a teacher of Hungarian Literature and Grammar and Hungarian as a Foreign Language. I have been teaching Hungarian at our school from September 2012.
My aim is to make studens able to use Hungarian language both in the school and in their lives and to acquaint the students with the cultural habits and values of Hungary.
In my freetime I like to sing, cook and practice yoga. If I have the possibility I like to do these within the confines of the school, like the Pre-Graduates’ Ball, preparing for Christmas or yoga class.