Special events

Pregraduates’ ball
Farewell Ceremony 
Social science and science days 
International day 
Sports day 
Pregraduates’ ball
During the ceremony each student receive a ribbon honoring their four years of study. After the ceremony various entertaining performances follow. The graduating class performes a waltz and another dance.
The pregraduates’ ball traditionally includes both humorous and serious speeches, musical and dance performances by students and teachers of our school.
Farewell Ceremony
The Farewell Ceremony is the most moving celebration in the life of our high school. It takes place in May every year. This is the day when the graduating class says goodbye to the school.  
The day of the ceremony is preceded by Serenades of the class on the evening before. This means that the graduating students visit their teachers at home to entertain them and the neighborhood by singing songs on the street in front of the house. After this they are usually invited in, where they get treats and snacks. 
On the day of celebration everyone is exhausted but the spirits are high. The younger students decorate the school with lovely flowers. Parents, relatives and friends are invited and the school gets crowded with guests holding big bunches of flowers and presents. At 5pm the graduating students start their final walk in and around the school clinging to each other’s shoulders and singing traditional farewell songs, step by step disappearing behind the flowers they get on the way. The walk ends in the schoolyard and here a celebration takes place with speeches, lots of thanks and flowers for the teachers, and finally the handing-over of the school flag. The representative of the graduating class ties the ribbon of the class (already signed by every student) to the flag, and the flag is passed on to the junior class.
Thus the Ceremony ends and the graduating students go home to spend the following weeks studying hard for the Final Exams. 
Social science and science days
Every autumn we organize a special school day: the Social Science Day. On this day there is no teaching, but the classes go on a field trip and visit museums that are connected to their studies: e.g. the Museum of Fine Arts, Parliament, the Hungarian National Museum, Acquincum Museum. Not only can the students learn more about what they study but they can also experience and understand that history and traditions are essential parts of our lives, and enjoy a day out of school.
Every spring there is a similar day: Science Day. On this day the classes visit museums that are connected to their science studies: e.g. the Natural History Museum, the Palace of Wonders, the Museum of Transportation, and the Electro-technical Museum.
International day
In order to create a unique opportunity to utilize the multicultural environment of our school, International Days are held, usually in April. At these occasions each nationality represents itself by displaying not only pictures, typical photos, objects from their country, but also by giving an insight into their cultural treasures as well. Competitions are organized between the classes- in 2004, for instance, they were held in the spirit of the enlargement of the European Union: the classes had to arrange virtual school trips to various European member states. This day is always spent in great enthusiasm, yet there is no doubt that the most popular part of it is the journey in the field of culinary joy. I am convinced that after tasting the various delicious specialties of the countries you will feel closer to their people.
Sports day

During the last two days of school, when the graduates are taking their oral finals, the rest of the students are enjoying Sports day. This is a competition in various sporting activities between classes. Teams compete with each in football, basketball and volleyball. Students as representatives of their classes take part in individual events as well, such as badminton, table – tennis, track and field athletics. All results and participation are taken into account as we decide on the winner. The winning class is awarded at the end of the year.
Students have the opportunity to compete against their schoolmates and own classmates, in this unique, all-round competition, and say goodbye to the school-year with some very enjoyable experiences.